How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn In Spring In Australia

Squarepegs Handyman When To Mow Your Lawn In Australia

Here in Australia, springtime is characterised by sunny days and cool nights. So, the time for mowing your lawn in the Australian spring season depends on the amount of rainfall and sunny days. You need to keep a close eye on it and cut as necessary.

No matter the season, the best time of the day to mow your Lawn in Australia is around mid-morning. That's because any dew or irrigation water will have evaporated, which should happen before the sun is fully up. This is crucial because a short lawn exposed on a hot, bright day can lead to grass stress.

In this article, you will learn simple tips to mow lawns in spring in Australia.

Tips on Lawn Mowing in Spring in Australia

Mow your lawn in the mid-morning

First, it is mowing time in Australia when you notice your lawn begins to look messy or untidy, growing beyond its borders. Typically, you should not cut too deep so that you don’t risk stunting your lawn's root development, which could be detrimental to its long-term health.

Cut your lawn once or twice a month

Due to the low expectation of rain during the spring, it is best to give your lawn some time to grow before you mow it again. A period of 2 weeks or a month is just enough time.

Don't mow a wet Lawn, but a dry Lawn

It would help if you were mindful of any fungi or bacteria in your lawn since these microbes can spread via moist grass.

Clear all obstacles

Lastly, ensure that there are no obstructions for the mower hidden in the lawn to prevent thatches and allow smooth mowing.

Now, apart from learning how often you should now your lawn in Australia, we hope you’ve been able to get other relevant tips from this article. Mow your lawn, and feel proud about yourself while you do it.


Whether you are looking to have your lawn mowed regularly, or as a one-off project, Squarepegs Handyman can help.

Contact us here to organise your free quote for lawn maintenance.


You’ll find Squarepegs Handyman in and around Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, the Hunter and beyond. Contact us to find out if we service your area. 

We cannot wait to work with you!

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